Yippee Ki-Yay it’s an Out of this World Black IPA. Created to be served at Lunar Rendezbrew 29 on June 3rd in Pearland, Tx.
(5 gallon batch)
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.034 (we had too much volume, was supposed to be 1.047)
Original Gravity: 1.060 (extended boil to correct gravity before initial hop additions.
Final Gravity: 1.012
ABV: 5.7
Fermentables: 12 lbs. - American Two Row 1 lbs. American Crystal 60 1 lb. Carafa III 8 oz. Chocolate Malt (American 350) 8 oz. Flaked Oats Boil (hops in pellet form): 1.0 oz. - Cascade (8.0 AA) @60 1.0 oz. - Idaho 7 (17.5 AA) @15 1.0 oz. - Mosaic (11.4 AA) @5 1.0 oz. - Saaz (3.5 AA) @0 *Yeast Nutrient and Whirflock Tablet @10 Dry Hop: 1.0 oz. - Columbus (15.0 AA) @60 1.0 oz. - HBC472 (7.7 AA) @60
Yeast: Omega Voss Kveik