A London Brown Ale is often described as a mild sweet stout or a dark mild with a slightly sweeter side. It is a unique beer to brew, in that it is low alcohol, but retains much of the body and character of dark strong styles. It is not commonly brewed in today’s market. We brewed this beer in collaboration with Dark Empire Brewing as part of the Nuts & Bolts competition with the Bay Area Mashtronauts. This is beer number one. We should get results back in late July. It is a little on the low side abv wise by about 1%, but otherwise,Read More →

This is our first attempt at a hard cider. It turns out it is super simple to make… so we plan to do at least one cider a year in the future. We tend to think that cider’s work best in the fall. We love the apple, cinnamon, raisin, autumn type flavors that you can work into numerous recipes in this category. Original Gravity: 1.063 Final Gravity: 1.002 ABV: 8.01%                                                                       Read More →

Beer from breakfast cereal? Is that even possible? You bet, and this is how we did it. Ride along with Ponch and John while celebrating Bakfish brewing, Kris Szecsy, and the wonderful beer they’ve cranked out over the past five years. Original Gravity: 1.118 Final Gravity: 1.035 ABV: 10.9%                                                                                       Read More →