(5 gallon batch) – Split with Wocka Wocka Wocka. This is a British Brown.
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.038
Original Gravity: 1.052
Final Gravity: 1.013
ABV: 5.1%
Fermentables: 11 lbs. Marris Otter 1 lbs. Caramel Crystal 60 10 oz. Chocolate 6 oz. Victory Boil (hops in pellet form): 1.0 oz. - East Kent Goldings (4.5 AA) @60 1.0 oz. - East Kent Goldings (4.5 AA) @10 Dry Hop(hops in pellet form): 2.0 oz. - Amarillo (8.4 AA) 4-5 days 2.0 oz. - Simcoe (12.2 AA) 4-5 days *Yeast Nutrient and Whirflock Tablet @10 *Fermented at 72 degrees F.
Yeast: WLP 002 English Ale Pure Pitch