Since we emptied the beer cooler for Lunar Rendezbrew 29, we have a nice opportunity to knock out some lagered beers. So we jumped into this German Pilsner. We are hoping for nice clean golden German flavor.
(5 gallon batch)
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.036
Original Gravity: 1.045
Final Gravity: 1.010
ABV: 4.6
Fermentables: 9.5lbs. Rahr Premium Pilsner 0.5 lbs. Weyermann Carafoam 6 oz. Weyermann Munich Type I 7 oz. Briess Yellow Corn Flakes Boil (hops in pellet form): 1.0 oz. - Hallertau Mittelfruh (2.9 AA) @60 0.5 oz. - Saaz (3.5 AA) @15 0.5 oz. - Saaz (3.5 AA) @0 *Yeast Nutrient and Whirflock Tablet @10 * Lagered at 50-55 degrees for three weeks.
Yeast: Omega Voss Kveik