Beer from breakfast cereal? Is that even possible? You bet, and this is how we did it.
Ride along with Ponch and John while celebrating Bakfish brewing, Kris Szecsy, and the wonderful beer they’ve cranked out over the past five years.

Original Gravity: 1.118
Final Gravity: 1.035
ABV: 10.9%

20 lbs. - Marris Otter
2 lb.   - Crisp Malting Amber
1 lb.   - Crisp Malting Crystal Light 45L
1 lb.   - Crisp Malting Crystal Dark 77L
1 lb.   - Belgian Biscuit
74 oz.  - Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal

Boil (hops in pellet form):
3 lb.   - DME Pale Ale (Breiss)                     @90
6.0 oz. - East Kent Goldings (5.5%)                 @90
3 lb.   - DME Pale Ale (Breiss)                     @20
2.0 oz. - East Kent Goldings (5.5%)                 @5
8 oz.   - Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal    @5
52 oz.  - Golden Barrel Unsulfured Supreme Molasses @5

Yeast – USE STARTER (800 ml per 5 gallon carboy - this batch made 2 for 10 gallons):
SafAle US-04 Dry Ale Yeast

Special Instructions:
Click to view pdf doc for detailed instructions.